
We know tax inside and out. Our broad knowledge can help you to meet your tax obligations, so you can relax.
Every year, it comes around again. We can help reduce the inconvenience and anxiety in preparing your Income Tax Return, get it done, and get it right.
We can help you with advice on strategies to help reduce the overall tax on your income.
We cover all kinds of Income Tax returns for:
- Individuals
- Partnerships
- Trust Income
- Companies
- Superannuation Funds
Capital Gains Tax
The time to think about Capital Gains Tax is when you purchase the asset. This is often misunderstood and has major impacts on tax liabilities. We can help you avoid this mistake by advising:
- The most tax effective structure for holding assets
- How to keep records to calculate future capital gains
- Accurate calculation of capital gains tax when the asset is sold
- Strategies to help reduce the overall tax on capital gains including the use of Capital Losses
- All the necessary records and reporting requirements to satisfy the Australian Taxation Office
- The complex rules surrounding inheritance and Capital Gains Tax
The buying and selling of major assets require expert advice which we have been helping clients with for many years. Talk to us now and be assured you are in the best possible position.
Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT)
Fringe Benefits Tax covers a wide range of benefits that you may provide to employees. We can help you deal with this frequently misunderstood tax and prepare your annual FBT return.
Issues often arise from:
- Salary packaging options and how FBT may apply to them
- Assessing the benefit gained on motor vehicles
- How FBT applies to client and staff entertainment and Christmas parties
- Knowing what to declare as ‘Reportable Benefits’ on employees’ Payment Summaries
Goods and Services Tax (GST & BAS)
Goods and Services Tax appears simple at first glance, however when it comes down to what is subject to GST and what is not, this is where our expert guidance can save you headaches and give you peace of mind.
We can help you with:
- Applications for ABN and GST registration
- Advice on record keeping and all GST issues
- Preparation and lodgement on monthly, quarterly or annual Business Activity Statements BAS.
Land Tax
Land Tax is surprisingly, often overlooked and it can be a shock if you suddenly receive a Land Tax Assessment for several years.
We have been dealing with Land Tax issues for many years and can help you with:
- Finding out if Land Tax applies to your properties
- Initial Registration forms
- Land Tax Variation forms
- Special applications to the Office of State Revenue regarding the tax treatment of properties
- Advice on all Land Tax matters
Payroll Tax
Many employers are unsure at what level their total Payroll attracts Payroll tax. It is easy to be so busy running your business that this tax obligation is overlooked.
We can help you with:
- Preparation and lodgement of all forms relating to Payroll tax
- Advice on all Payroll matters including company grouping provisions
Pay As You Go Taxation (PAYG)
As you would be aware it is the employer’s obligation to deduct tax from wages and remit it to the Australian Taxation Office. With a streamlined Payroll system, we can ensure that this routine task is managed efficiently.
We can assist you with:
- Preparation and lodgement of all forms relating to PAYG
- Advice on PAYG matters, including grouping regulations
- Preparation of Annual Payment Summaries
Stamp Duty
Stamp Duty is applicable on the purchase of an asset and can be overlooked. It is imperative that you choose an advisor who is alert to the purchases which could trigger this tax.
Our expertise can help you with:
- Preparation and lodgement of all forms relating to Stamp Duty
- Advice on Stamp Duty matters, including grouping regulations
For more details please Contact us
The above services are provided by Stanley & Stewart Accountants Pty Ltd ABN 76 114 691 673, trading as Stanley & Stewart Chartered Accountants, a company that is not licensed to provide financial planning services.
Any financial planning services required are provided by Stanley & Stewart Financial Planning Pty Ltd ABN 97 611 554 299, an Authorised Representative of Politis Investment Strategies Pty Ltd ACN 71 106 823 241 AFSL No 253125.
Liability limited under a scheme approved by Professional Standards Legislation.