Payroll and Super Guarantee
Payroll Software
We can help you to select software that takes care of all your employee data, payroll, annual leave, sick leave, superannuation contributions and long service leave entitlements. You can be assured that you are meeting your reporting and record keeping requirements.
Just listing it makes it sound like a full-time job but it doesn’t have to be with the right software combined with the knowledge of how to use it. We support you with installation and training and are always available to solve that tricky payroll issue that springs up from time to time.
Super Guarantee Contributions
You are probably aware that you need to contribute superannuation for your employees but do you know the difference between member contributions and salary sacrifice contributions? Your tax obligations are different depending on how you agree to make extra super contributions for your employees.
Single Touch Payroll – STP
With Single Touch Payroll the ATO requires that all employers report their payroll and super details at the same time as salaries and wages are paid, with some exceptions. You may need to make a few changes to your existing payroll procedures to ensure you comply. Like most things in life, it is easy once you know how. Let us help make it easy.
Employees vs Contractors
The definition of an ‘employee’ and a ‘contractor’ can vary under different laws. We can help you to understand the difference because it has important implications for your superannuation contributions, income tax, payroll tax and workers’ compensation premiums.
Your employees are your best asset, so ensure you are paying them on time and accurately by talking to us.
Contact us today.
The above services are provided by Stanley & Stewart Accountants Pty Ltd ABN 76 114 691 673, trading as Stanley & Stewart Chartered Accountants, a company that is not licensed to provide financial planning services.
Any financial planning services required are provided by Stanley & Stewart Financial Planning Pty Ltd ABN 97 611 554 299, an Authorised Representative of Politis Investment Strategies Pty Ltd ACN 71 106 823 241 AFSL No 253125.
Liability limited under a scheme approved by Professional Standards Legislation.