Cash Flow Forecasting
Why Do I Need to Look at Cash Flow?
Generating sales can be the main focus in a business. The biggest issue is when those sales are made on credit and collection is slow. On the other hand, your own suppliers need to be paid, along with paying employees and rent. Combined with your obligations to remit taxes to the ATO and your business could face stressful cash shortages.
Where Do I Start?
Start by talking to us about:
- Credit terms that you offer to selected customers
- Improving collection of sales made on credit
- Identifying times of large sales volumes and consequent need for supplier payment
- Recognising regular overheads that need to be paid regardless of sales levels
- Calculating your income tax, GST payable, super contributions and remitting tax deducted from salaries and wages to the ATO.
- Identifying cash needs for times of expansion
Make sure your business is not put under pressure by getting our help with cash flow forecasting. Our reports will help you to identify concerns before they happen.
Understanding your cash flow requirements gives you peace of mind. Take control and talk to us so we can develop a plan to meet your business needs.
Contact us today.
The above services are provided by Stanley & Stewart Accountants Pty Ltd ABN 76 114 691 673, trading as Stanley & Stewart Chartered Accountants, a company that is not licensed to provide financial planning services.
Any financial planning services required are provided by Stanley & Stewart Financial Planning Pty Ltd ABN 97 611 554 299, an Authorised Representative of Politis Investment Strategies Pty Ltd ACN 71 106 823 241 AFSL No 253125.
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